Donations & Partnerships
We are passionate about building others and building God’s Kingdom!

We’re expanding! We have much in our hearts that we feel God would have us do for the Kingdom and for others! But we realize we cannot do this alone! As a result, we would be honored if you would join us! You can do this through Partnership! By becoming a Monthly Partner, together we can accomplish so much more for God than we could ever do alone!
Your giving will literally help us continue:
- Teaching & Preaching in meetings and conferences all over the S.E. Louisiana area and wherever God has us travel
- Annual Kingdom Fest Conferences – We have seen hundreds of people come to the saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ, get set free, healed of emotional wounds, and go on to pursue their divine destinies in Christ!
- Solutions with Anna Donahue TV/Live Streaming Show
- Books, Mini-Books, and a continual supply of packets and notes for every conference.
- Bethesda College Instructor
“Thank you for your insight! Yet another mountain that I face will be moved by His Word! God bless!”
“LOVE your book! Your message resounded with me and the format made it a very clear read and easy to reference and review! Great at any point along one’s walk with God.”
“The [message] ignited God’s Word and hope in me. It feels real, Anna, – full of great nuggets. I felt hope come back into my life.”
Anna Donahue Ministries is a 501 C3 non-profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible.
Your offering is so greatly appreciated! Thank you for helping us to get the Good News of Jesus Christ out to our world!
If you would like to give to Anna Donahue Ministries, there are a variety of ways to donate.
- Debit /Credit Card*
- PayPal*
- Venmo – @anna-donahue
- Check – make out to Anna Donahue Ministries. Mail to P.O. Box 644 Destrehan, LA 70047
*If you are giving by debit or credit card or Paypal, fill out the form below, then click the “Donate” button to complete your transaction.
Stay in Touch with Anna
P.O. Box 644
Destrehan, LA 70047