Free Downloadable Resources

Free downloadable notes – Just for you! Resources to help you get strong, stay strong, grow and thrive!

It has been Anna’s desire for years to be able to provide important notes for you right when you need them! 

This is the beginning of many downloadable resources to help you get strong, stay strong, grow and thrive!  May you be blessed as you study and apply! 

Click the links below to get a downloadable PDF of the notes!


Spiritual Bootcamp: Emotional Stability

Emotional Stability! Emotions are a strong, moving, motivating FORCE! They are either moving you TOWARDS something or they are pushing you AWAY from something causing you to go backwards! In this powerful teaching, Anna uncovers 8 powerful points to obtaining ‘Spiritual Health for Your Emotions!’ This is a must-have teaching!

Click here to access the notes

Spiritual Bootcamp: Authority

AUTHORITY! Genesis 1:26-28-Let us make man in Our image; let them have dominion over the earth; V. 28- and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and SUBDUE it. *SUBDUE-kabash-conquer- subjugate- bring into force-bring into subjection-“If anything gets out of line Adam, you are to bring it back.” Adam and Eve’s AUTHORITY was in God. So when they got out of God, they lost their AUTHORITY (their ability to RULE AND REIGN as God had wanted.) BUT! Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection REVERSED what Adam and Eve had done, (sin) and Christ’s AUTHORITY was reinstated; given BACK TO US the believer! This is SO IMPORTANT!

Click here to access the notes

Spiritual Bootcamp: The Mind, The Word, The Spirit and The Condition of The Heart

The Mind, The Word, The Spirit and the Condition of Your Heart! “For where your TREASURE is, there your HEART will be also,” (Matthew 6:21). *What you INVEST in oftentimes tells you a lot about yourself. Even though we don’t use ‘checkbooks’ quite so much these days, we can tell where our ‘TREASURES’ (HEARTS) are oftentimes when we look in our checkbooks. Similarly, how important it is to INVEST in the Word of God! *Salvation, faith, healing, deliverance, hope, comfort, peace, wisdom, inheritance, strength, transformation, truth, intimacy with God, reproof, instruction, etc. equipping for a life of faith, ALL COME FROM THE WORD OF GOD! As Anna was preparing for this teaching, God impressed upon her to open with a teaching regarding the ‘Condition of Your Heart!’ The ‘Condition of Your Heart’ will determine how well the Seed of the Word of God gets planted and grows! Strong, strong teaching!

Click here to access the notes

Finding Joy in the Midst of it All

Happiness vs. Supernatural Joy

Happiness-looks like bright smiles, laugher, good times, knee slapping “living for the weekend”. It is temporary; based on circumstances. Supernatural Joy-A happiness based on unchanging Divine promises and eternal spiritual realities. It is the sense of well being experienced by one who knows all is well between himself and the Lord. Joy is not the result of favorable circumstances and even occurs when those circumstances are the most painful and severe.

(We will soon add the contributors to this outline.)






God says you are...

1. Designed with ‘intentionality’. You were ON PURPOSE! Psalm 139:13, 14, 16, 17, 18- For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand.

2. Created in the image and likeness of God! Genesis 1:26- Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. God created us in His image and that is who He is looking for!


The Dangers of Comparison by Hannah Donahue

In a negative or dangerous sense, what might comparing mean when we are speaking of comparing oneself to another human being?

a. Compare can mean to discriminate

b. Related words are discrimination and segregation

c. Comparison can start very subtly. But if not caught and taken care of immediately, it can avalanche negatively, tormenting your thoughts and your heart.



Acts 13:36 -“For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his fathers and underwent decay.  

God has a purpose for every generation…Martin Luther, bringing the Great Reformation, John Wesley brought spiritual renewal in England, etc.

*Don’t want you to waste your life!  This teaching tonight, ‘Heir’, is designed to help you do just that.  


Heir Scriptures that Have Helped to Anchor me in Christ




5 Essentials for Winning the Race!

(Along with many extra additions added in the beginning!)






11 Ways to Renew Your Mind!

Learn how you can renew your mind with this teaching from Anna’s book ‘Power, Love and a Sound Mind.’

Until our minds are renewed and brought under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, our thought life can run rampant with unhealthy, uncontrolled thinking! The results can be catastrophic! The good news is this – we can win the battle in our minds! God has given us everything we will ever need to win! We have the Word of God, the blood of Christ, praise, worship, grace and the precious Holy Spirit to help us, undergird us and guide us as we embark on renewing our minds!


Click here to buy your copy of Power, Love and a Sound Mind!





Flourish in your mind, emotions and communication!

Check out the notes from the Spring Retreat!

Read the Notes





Seated in Heavenly Places!

Ephesians 2:6-(NIV)-And God raised us up with Christ and SEATED US WITH HIM in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus!

The late Senator Hubert Humphrey was making a comment as I turned on the television set: “You must remember that in politics, how you stand depends on where you sit.”






Outlasting the Storm: You are anchored!

God’s hold on you is stronger than your hold  on Him.  He’s relying on Himself (not you) to get you safely home.  This is not to say that your choices don’t matter.  Just the opposite is true.  You are here on this earth to walk intimately with God and to partner with Him to accomplish His purposes on earth.  


Heir Scriptures that Have Helped to Anchor me in Christ




10 Hindrances to Answered Prayer

Anna teaches a timeless truth about prayer and what might hinder the prayers of a believer. Read the ten hindrances and Biblical solutions to these road bloacks.

Faith and Answered Prayer

10 Hindrances to Answered Prayer

Photo Credit: Joshua Earle





Breakthrough that Leads to Enlargement!

Enlarge-To make ample room for-to bring enlargement to our lives! 5 Areas of Enlargement following BREAKTHROUGH!    

Your dwelling place-Isaiah 54:2-“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;  Do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes,  for you shall expand to the right and to the left…






Discouragement is the opposite of Courage

“Discouragement is the opposite of COURAGE. It takes courage to persist. It takes courage to believe. It takes courage to have faith. It takes courage to get up and put one foot in front of the other when you are unsure of your path. It takes courage to stay positive when you are constantly bombarded with negative. It takes courage to keep going when you feel like quitting. It takes courage to thrive and not just survive. I pray that you find courage and REFUSE discouragement simply because courage fits you better!” – Cindy Lugo

“May you learn how to walk in the authority Christ has entrusted to you. May you speak PEACE to your soul and PERFECT LOVE to your fears. May you refuse discouragement simply because courage fits you better. May you connect with those who bring out the best in you. May you love those who cannot return the favor. May you return to your First Love, time and time again. Jesus is your Source, He’s your Strength, He’s your Fortress, and He’s Your King. You lack no good thing because you have Him. Walk like it’s true today.” – Susie Larson Daily Blessing

Joshua 1:9 ~ This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”





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Destrehan, LA 70047


(504) 451-4804

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