Do You See What I See?
What God Sees When He Looks at You!
As our story opens we find three small children leaving their schoolhouse and walking towards home. As they continue their journey, they come across a small pond. The three of them lean over and peer into the cool waters of the pond. They see their reflections.
They talk about what their teacher taught them that day. She taught that the people in the Bible who did great things for God, weren’t always the bravest, or the smartest or the strongest!
In fact, just the opposite was true. The people in the Bible were often weak, scared, and very shy until God got ahold of them! Once they met God, He showed them who He made them to be and they were changed!
As the children peer over their reflections, they, too, wonder, “who has God made ME to be?”
In this book, highlighted are, Abraham, Gideon, David, Esther and the Woman at the Well. Also mentioned are Sarah, Paul, Noah, Joshua and Caleb, Mary (the mother of Jesus) and Jesus.
At the end, is the acronym-S.I.G.H.T. This acronym will help children see who God has created them to be!
The Author
Anna Donahue is a vibrant Bible Teacher, Author and Speaker, whose passion is to teach, encourage and equip people everywhere to know Christ, walk in their divine destinies, and live the overcoming life found in Christ alone. In addition to writing, Do You See What I See?, Anna has written another fully illustrated faith based children’s book, entitled ‘Did You Know?’ She has written two other books, Power, Love and a Sound Mind, and Uprooting Rejection and she has written three mini books, Determined, It’s Time for a Fresh Start, and Identity.
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